John's 30 years of experience in photography and multimedia. He also has experience in Chicago as a Realtor with ReMax and Prudential, giving him unique insight into Real Estate Photography. John knows what to shoot, as well as what not to highlight and has the skills to execute properly. 

Why use a Professional Real Estate Photographer?

  • Did you know that agents who use professional real estate photography make double the average gross commission-able income compared to agents who don’t
  • Agents who began using professional real estate photography for their listings stated that they experienced an increase in referrals, they attracted better buyers, they won more listings.
  • Your clients (and you) deserve to have the best real estate listing images to market their homes no matter the perceived property value.

Quick and Easy Delivery 

Most photos are received by you within 24 hours of the shoot. All will be sized to your specifications and uploaded for you directly to MLS, your Website and/or Social Media.

What People Are Saying about Kizorek Photography

Michele G.
Michele G.

I love them! Your work is beautiful and everything I was looking for. You do a Fantastic job!

Andy G.
Andy G.

You are my new Rabbits Foot. We have an excepted offer ALREADY. Your rates are so reasonable I'd be crazy not to use you. Thanks

Joyce N.
Joyce N.

Thank you for the great photos.  You did a great job.  We'll be using you on our next lists.  Thank you so much.

Denise G.
Denise G.

Thank you for the wonderful photos and getting to this so quickly. The Seller was very impressed with the listing.

Trudy C.
Trudy C.
Realtor / Broker

Love the pics.

You do such nice work, thank you.



Our retouching service will take care of all your editing needs in a quick and efficient way.

Image retouching: – We do enhancements such as color correction, balance interior and exterior lighting and item removal, by hand on EVERY photo.

Background removal: – With this process, we will help remove or change the background. We can remove objects or people from the photo without making it obvious. We also do quality sky replacement.


Enhancements to the sky, grass, and overall contrast.

Enhancement to the exterior through the windows.

Ready to Make Your Business Look Good?

Ninety-seven percent of homebuyers who searched for a home on the internet found photos to be among the most useful features of REALTOR® websites.  Can you afford to have poor photos on YOUR listings?